With a new month almost upon and lockdown restrictions still continuing, we’re inviting buddies to share their food photos and win.

As you may know, we offer all paired buddies the opportunity to enter our 'photo of the month' competition - enabling participants the chance to share their snaps, inspire others and win a cash prize.
With lockdown extended, catching up and doing things in person is virtually impossible. Therefore, for the month of September we’re calling on buddies to get creative in the kitchen and upload a photo or video of their handiwork - much like Bevan (below), the first entry in our ‘cook and win’ competition.
Our ‘cook and win’ competition closes at midnight, Thursday 30 September. Buddies can upload their photos or videos by loading up the this link.
The link above includes all the information on how to submit your efforts. The winning entry will be rewarded with a $100 gift voucher, while $50 goes to the runner up and third place will bag $25.
If you have any questions about our ‘cook and win’ competition send us an email: info@gigbuddiessydney.org or info@gigbuddiescentralcoast.org, get in touch on Facebook Messenger or contact us via text or on the phone on 0422 061 990.
This is your final call….
On the subject of prizes, our LOLympics competition closes at midnight tonight. We’ve had some wonderful entries - and we’ll announce the winner in next week’s newsletter.
In the interim, there’s still time to enter: head to the following link and share a snap or clip of you taking part in your favourite Olympic event.
Coasties connecting
Thanks to everyone who logged on for last Monday’s Gig Buddies Central Coast group Zoom. It was great to hear from those in attendance, and to put faces to names.
Topics of conversation included ideas on increasing participant numbers, online activity suggestions and potential venues for our first in-person catch up.
Ideally, our next gathering will be a face-to-face event. However, given the current uncertainty we may look to arrange a similar Zoom chat for later in the year.
Talk the talk, walk the walk
On the subject of our online catch ups, we continue to offer weekly events to all signed up buddies. This week we have:

Please note, in addition to our yoga workout, Disney Kahoot! quiz and ‘hip hop and poppin’ takeover with Tyler and Chelsea’, we’ll also facilitate two weekly group chats.
Our weekly chats are a permanent fixture and take place at 4pm each and every Monday and Tuesday. For specific information on weekly subjects, scroll to the bottom of our ‘what’s on’ page.
If you would like to come along to one of our weekly chats, get in touch via text: 0422 061 990
And to find out more about this week’s online offerings (and to sign up), load up the links below:
Wednesday 1/9
Thursday 2/9
Friday 3/9
All online games will take place via Zoom. For information on how to use Zoom, load up the following easy read guide written by Learning Disability Wales. Alternatively, click here to check out our 'how to use Zoom' video.
If you have any questions or would like more information, send us an email: info@gigbuddiessydney.org or info@gigbuddiescentralcoast.org or call/SMS us on 0402 708 814.
Bring your dad to Zoom
Looking a little further ahead, next Monday (6/9) we’ll be inviting buddies to join us online for a father’s day catch up.

Taking place at 8pm, we invite buddies to bring their dads to Zoom or, if he can’t make it, come and tell us a story about your old man.
Click here to sign up.
We’re all ears
Empowerment: we’re big on it. Some of you may have noticed that for a number of our recent online social events, Gig Buddies staff have co-hosted with participants.
We want this to continue, and we’re calling on all buddies to put forward their suggestions. If you would like to co-host an online gathering, let us know: share your thoughts with us by scrolling to the ‘I've got a great idea for an event!’ section on the following link.
A word from the pros
Throughout lockdown we’re going to continue promoting professional services for any of you doing it tough.
Mental Health First Aid Australia have issued the following guidelines on assisting someone distressed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and they’re also providing mental health first aid in the time of ‘social distancing. Additionally, the team from ideas.org.au have shared their ‘look after your mental health in the COVID-19 crisis’ list of ideas.
reachout.com have also released their 10 ways to take care of yourself during coronavirus guide, while for those of you now working from home, Black Dog Institute have put together the following checklist to support your mental health.
We’re here to chat
From our perspective, while we’re not trained professionals, we are available for a chat.
For anyone experiencing increased social isolation, send a text or call us at 0402 708 814 (Gig Buddies Central Coast) or 0422 061 990 (Gig Buddies Sydney).
Alternatively, feel free to get in touch via Facebook Messenger or connect courtesy of email: info@gigbuddiescentralcoast.org or info@gigbuddiessydney.org
Matthew Collins
Gig Buddies Central Coast coordinator
Would you like more information about Gig Buddies Central Coast? You’re only a click away. Connect with us via the links below.
Fancy revelling in legendary status? If so, please support us in our cause to get more people out to live events in Sydney.
Donations over $2 are tax deductible and all are gratefully received.
Gig Buddies Central Coast is an initiative of ACL Disability Services.